Home and Workplace Electric Vehicle Charging points. 

The demand for EV and PHEV cars is increasing rapidly so it makes sense that the demand for EV charging installations is also growing. This has become a hot topic and we are seeing a significant increase in demand for EV charge points both at home and at commercial premises. 
If you are planning to buy or lease an EV then get in touch as soon as you can to plan the installation of your chargers as we need to take into account lead times and availability. We will also need to survey your premises to ensure an EV charger installation is suitable or if you will require additional work to ensure a compliant installation. 
We are approved for both of the government Zero Emissions Schemes for Electric Vehicles - Domestic EVHS and Workplace (WCS) to provide a discount on your charger subject to you meeting the latest scheme requirements. 
We specialise and are approved installers for Hypervolt & Rolec electric vehicle Chargers. 

Electric Vehicle Homecharge Scheme (EVHS). 

A grant of £350 is available for the following people to receive a cost reduction towards purchasing and having a charge point installed.* 
People in rented accommodation - flats & single use properties 
Homeowners living in flats 
Landlords & social housing providers 
*All subject to terms and conditions of OZEV, subject to change. 

Workplace Charging Scheme (WCS). 

Businesses too can receive cost reductions on the purchase and installation of workplace charge points under the WCS scheme. 
Eligibility is outlined below: 
Up to £14k for workplaces, charities & small accommodation businesses like B&Bs, camping grounds, holiday rentals (£350 towards each charger, maximum of 40 chargers can be claimed). 
Up to £15k per building for SMEs with less than 250 employees (up to £850 per parking bay, maximum of 5 applications). 
Up to £35k for owners of premises commercially let (£350 grant per charger, maximum of 100 chargers a year). 
*All subject to latest terms and conditions of OZEV, subject to change. 
Joining the EV revolution? Call us on 07519 975768 to start planning your EV charger installation now.